VET Partners

Anatolia Mobillity offers job trainings and job shadowing with several partners. You can find our partners as attached. Hotels, Restaurants, companies and municipalities are our partners. We can provide you job training at these institutions. Our partners database is not restricted with these. Please contact us about your job training needs. We can find more suitable partners for you.
You can select the VET training field and you can find suitable partner for you.

Muratpaşa Municpality
Vahap Restaurant
Gülizar Hotel
Özev Vakfı -  (Turkish Disability Education and Solidarity Foundation)
Pagev  Lisesi ( Vocational and Technical Education High School)
Dağ Production
Varil Çorba
Tim Makina ve Tasarım (machinery and design)
Sava Hotel
Meva Kimya
Su Dünyası Laboratory
Robotik Bilim Antalya
Vibrante Tourism Agency
Döşemealtı Municipality