Erasmus + Vocational Education

Job Placements
We have an extensive network that we are in contact as hosting partner. Municipalities, hotels, restaurants, care centres, retail companies, construction companies, hospitals are members of this network. We can find any job workplace for job placement according to your needs. We have a team for establishing contact with companies and organize best job placement opportunity for our guests. We are in contact with our partners at all levels. Some of the host partners are employers over 1000 employees, so we shall establish links with the host partner at the top, medium or low level to organize the best job placement opportunity for our guests. Our major partner is Antalya Metropolitan Municipality. You can see some of our partners at VET Partners part of the website.We use this network for hosting the internship and job shadowing for our guests from Europe. Anatolia Mobility can host VET learners and accompanying staff for two weeks or more in the following fields in Antalya:
Graphic Design
Journalism and Information
Business and Administration
Accounting and Taxation
Marketing and Advertisement
Secretarial and office Work
Finance banking and Insurance
Wholesales and Retail Sales
Information and Communication Technologies
Electricity and Energy
Electronics and Automation
Mechanics and Metal
Motor Vehicles
Food Processing
Agriculture and Gardening
Care of People with Disabilities
Care of Children
Care of Elderly People and Geriatrics
Hair and Beauty
Hotel accommodation
Cooking, Restaurants and Cafe
Travel Tourism and Leisure
Transport Services
Renewable Energy
If you need another job training opportunity please contact to us. We can find you suitable workplace by means of our huge network.STANDART PROGRAM:
Transfer to and from the airport;
Full board accommodation;
Introduction seminar;
Work orientation sessions;*
Cultural activities;*
Tutoring and mentoring;
Monitoring and evaluation;
Europass Mobility.
Work orientation sessions* – they are usually carried out during morning hours. The exact amount of hours per day will be decided in collaboration with the sending institution and the accompanying staff; however, it is normal practice for VET learners to have 3-4 hours work sessions per week day.Cultural activities** – there will be minimum one cultural trip during a two week period mobility for VET learners & staff.
Learner mobility
VET traineeship (Job training-Internship)– VET learners can take part in a job training abroad lasting up to 12 months. They can spend time in a workplace to gain experience or at a VET center. The duration of the traineeship placement can be between two weeks and twelve months.
Staff mobilityStaff training (Job Shadowing)– staff can undertake professional development opportunities in the form of a work placement or job shadowing/observation period abroad in an enterprise or other VET organisation.
You can visit Services part for further information or contact us.
Contact to for further questions about VET job placements or job shadowing.