Muratpaşa Municpality

Muratpaşa Municpality
Muratpaşa Municipality has 2950 staff. Muratpaşa Municipalty is the biggest district municipality at Antalya province.
Muratpaşa Municipality Public Relations and Advertisement
Municipality has several activities and services. To be able advertise these services, we have a public relations department. Our team makes graphic designs and prepare other public relations activities.
IT Services
IT department is responsible of all hardware of Municipality. There are 36 servers, 9 storage units, 1189 computers 3 Plotters 1 Log Unit, 1 log server and 659 printers at the network. All the buildings are connected to same network. IT department hardware unit is responsible of all hardware problems, procurement of hardware.
Muratpaşa Municipality has some web sites and mobile applications ( tr,, www.turuncmasa. com,!ls?!- d=com.muratpasa.oguzhan.muratpasaandro!&hl=tr). Design, implementation update of all these networks made by software department. Muratpaşa Municipality has GIS system and some other softwares as:
Electronic Document Management (IMS)
- Zoning Process Tracking Automation
- Official Mobile (Android) Application
- Project Tracking System
- Institution website
- Nursery Web Site
- Classroom Automation
- Intranet (Network File Sharing) System
Elderly Care Services
Muratpaşa Municipality has a care at home service. Teams who are responsible of self-care, hygiene and health go to the homes of elderly people and give services to these people.
Additionally Municipality has 3 elderly care centers:
- Falez Elderly Care Center
- Feber Elderly Care Center
- Soğuksu Elderly Care Center
Social Facilities for People with Disabilites:
Muratpaşa Municipality has a department for organizing social activities for people with disabilities at Muratpaşa district. Department has several facilities that serves for people with disabilities.
Muratpaşa Food Bank and Meal Center
Meal Center serves to 1000 poor people at our district. They work for 5 days in a week and totally 210.600 hot meals served during the year 2018. Additionally meal center cooked meals for social activities of our Municipality. 163.310 meals given at these activites in 2018.
Cafe and Restaurants:
Municipality has different cafes and restaurants in different parts of Muratpaşa District. There are five beaches, four cafes and one restaurant serving under the Muratpaşa Municipality on the world-famous cliff coastline. Healthy food and quality service are provided to locals and tourists. Walking and cycling paths, parks, cafes, beaches and living areas on the approximately 5-kilometer cliff coastline have been opened for use by the Muratpaşa Municipality.
It consists of Antalya Restaurant, Kültür Cafe, Denizyüzü and Dağyakası Cafe and Beach Cafes located in Prof. Dr. Erdal İnönü City Park established on a 25-acre area on the cliff coastline.
Working hours are between 09:00 - 24:00.
Girls Dormitory:
Muratpaşa Municipality has 2 dormitories for girls in Antalya. We have kitchens at these dormitories and we have some hotel services.
Childcare Center
Muratpaşa Municipality has 6 different kindergartens and day care centers for the children at ages 4-5-6.
- Central Kindergarten and Day Care Center
- Dutlubahçe Kindergarten and Day Care Center
- Konuksever Adalya Vakfı Kindergarten and Day Care Center
- Türkan Saylan Kindergarten and Day Care Center
- Münir Özkul Kindergarten and Day Care Center
- There are totally 785 children at these care centers.
Directorate of Technical Works
This department responsible of roads, machines, and all other technical works in Municipality. It has a Machinery workshop that repairs all the vehicles and machines. Electric infrastructure is maintained by this department.
Solar Energy:
Muratpaşa Municipality uses its empty places for solar energy production. It established a solar energy system with 300 kW capacity.
Leisure for Children:
Teneffuspark is owned by Muratpaşa Municipality. It is a children park with cafes, party houses, ice rink, sport facilities. Teneffuspark has a patisserie, Kıtır Kır Cafe and Doy Doy Restaurant.
Municipality has more than 650 parks inside the Muratpaşa District. All the gardening services is made by the Municipality. We grow our plants. Municipality has grown 20497 trees and more than 4 million plants in year 2017.
Social Services:
Muratpaşa Municipality organizes several social activities at its social centers for all citizen and tourists.
Engelsiz Cafe:
This is a special cafe that only the people with disabilities work. More than 90% of staff consists of people with disabilities. It is a good opportunity for job training of people with disabilities.