Classroom Management By Transactional Analysis

Transactional Analysis offers teachers a way of understanding what is happening on a social level within the classroom and within themselves. It provides a map, a framework to start hanging experiences on. The course aims is to introduce a an inclusive Classroom management and equip participants with ways of creating a positive atmosphere at the classroom. It aims to develop relationships between the teacher and students that are conductive to accomplishing the school mission.
Target Audience
Teachers from all levels
Standard Program
First Day:
- Introduction and ice-breaking
- Needs analysis,
- – Introduction to Transactional analysis (TA), philosophy of TA.
- –Communication: frames of reference, life positions and their role in communication, different communication channels.
- – Understanding of basic TA concepts in communication
- Transactional Analysis Proper, )
Second day
- Ego states and Transactional Analysis Proper Strokes, Scripts (Role Plays and Case Studies)
- Simple and complex transactions, complementary and crossed transactions, 1st rule of communication, role play.
Third Day:
- – Games, in TA and their role in communication, powerful questions in games identification.
- – Strokes, positive and negative strokes, conditional and unconditional strokes,
- – Defining and developing communication skills that includes strokes
Fourth Day
- –Importance of non-verbal communication.
- – Common psychological games in organisational settings,
- -Scripts.
Fifth Day
- – Integration of knowledge and skills, transfer of learning to the school,
- - Summary and course evaluation
- Feedback & certificates
- Cultural excursion
Note: We organize cultural tours according to the demands of the group.
Note 2: We are flexible on making changes on the program according the demands of the group. This is a standard 1-week course. We can reduce it to 2 days and increase to 2 weeks.